
From Dusk Till Dawn

updated:2017/03/31, 23:50(UTC)

Released on 2016 Apr. 1st, included in "METAL RESISTANCE" (Out-of-Japan edition only).
Lyric: KITUSNE of METAL GOD, KxBxMETAL, TMETAL / Music: Yuyoyuppe / Arr.: YUPPEMETAL

This song is sung in English, but the lyrics have not been officially published.
This is my incomplete transcription with help of many fans of BABYMETAL.

From Dusk Till Dawn

One only waits
something's going to come
in one's way.
I want to take
every going-on toward
what to take.
Something's going to come.

In the air.
Pray upward
in the air,
in the air.

On the border,
don't stop for love.
Something's going to come.
On the border,
don't stop for love.
Something's going to come.

A memory.
Gone night.
You wanna mean.

Look at my face
more day after day,
then reach it's the same,
so each day's so same.
I wake from the dream
to keep on dreaming.
The night is so sweet,
but it's so late.

All it's over.
Never rule her.
All it's over.
Never rule her.

In the air,
in the air.


[i] About This Transcribing

I've transcribed (or rather, conjectured) these lyrics on these principles: The singers (native Japanese speakers) pronounced rather clearly (for me, a native Japanese listener), but the audio processing or the backing music made their voices unclear. The lyric writers didn't use difficult English. The lyric writers wrote (or intended to write) meaningful sentences, but they may have used strange English.

First I transcribed the lyrics with a blank mind. Then I read others' transcriptions (mainly on 2ch & Reddit).

I've listened to the tune many times with half-speed playback, low-cut filtering (to cancel drums & bass), etc. They helped my transcribing but somewhat changed the characteristics of the voices, so I checked my transcription with normal playback. The heading consonants are often masked by the drum sound and the ending consonants after the prolonged vowels are hardly heard, so I'm less sure about these consonants.

From Dusk Till Dawn

TimeTranscribed LyricsNotes
0:30.0 :  One only waits1
0:35.6 :  something's going to come
0:39.2 :  in one's way.2
0:44.8 :  I want to take3
0:50.3 :  every going-on toward4
0:54.0 :  what to take.5
0:57.7 :  Something's going to come.    
1:06.1 :  In the air.6
1:20.8 :  Pray upward7
1:28.2 :  in the air,
1:31.9 :  in the air.
1:40.2 :  On the border,8,9,Y?M?
1:43.9 :  don't stop for love.10,Y?M?
1:45.7 :  Something's going to come.S
1:47.6 :  On the border,Y?M?
1:51.2 :  don't stop for love.Y?M?
1:53.2 :  Something's going to come.S
1:55.1 :  Cool.11,12,Y
1:56.7 :  Dream.13,M
1:58.5 :  Forever.14,S
2:00.2 :  A memory.15,Y
2:02.3 :  Heart.16,M
2:04.1 :  Gone night.17,S
2:05.8 :  Tomorrow.18,Y
2:07.8 :  You wanna mean.19,M
2:09.7 :  Look at my face
2:11.3 :  more day after day,20
2:13.2 :  then reach it's the same,21
2:15.0 :  so each day's so same.
2:16.8 :  I wake from the dream22
2:18.9 :  to keep on dreaming.
2:20.6 :  The night is so sweet,23
2:22.4 :  but it's so late.23,24
2:23.5 :  Break.25
2:39.3 :  All it's over.26
2:42.9 :  Never rule her.27
2:46.6 :  All it's over.
2:50.3 :  Never rule her.
3:07.9 :  In the air,
3:22.6 :  in the air.


  1. The lines marked with "Y" are sung by YUIMETAL, with "M" by MOAMETAL, with "S" & without mark by SU-METAL (added on 2017 Mar. 31).
  2. I think I hear the ending "s" of "something's" in the next line, so I think the lyric writers mean "one only waits that something is going to come in one's way".
  3. This might be "in one's face".
  4. This might be "one wants to take".
  5. It sounds to me like "every go to twa", so this line is almost fabrication.
  6. The last word may be other than "take".
  7. I think I hear "air (= eə:)" on half-speed playback.
  8. This sounds to me like "pray upway(s)" but I can't find such an adverb in my dictionaries, so I think it is "pray upward(s)", but it might be "pray up ways".
  9. I think I hear "on the border" as Anonymous san on 2016 June 9th said.
  10. I think I hear YUIMETAL's voice, but it may be MOAMETAL's (added on 2017 Mar. 31).
  11. I think this is "don't stop for love", following 2016nobody san on Reddit, but the last word might be other than "love".
  12. I'm not sure whether this section is a mysterious sequence of rather irrelevant words or it consists of rather meaningful sentences (e.g. Cool leaves forever. A memory hurts gone nights. Tomorrow, you wanna mean).
  13. I'm not sure about "cool".
  14. This might be "leave".
  15. I'm not sure about "forever".
  16. It sounds to me like "a memo", so I think it is "a memory", but it may be other words.
  17. This might be "hurt".
  18. I think this is "gone night", following someone on the internet (sorry for forgetting the name), but it might be "good night".
  19. I'm not so sure about "tomorrow".
  20. This might be "you want me".
  21. Same as "day after day" of this line, I think the vowel "ei" was pronounced nearly to "ii" in the following two lines.
  22. I think I hear "it's the same", so I think the lyric writers mean "reach a conclusion that it is the same" or something.
  23. This might be "I'll wake from the dream".
  24. These might be "the night is so same, but it's so real".
  25. I think I hear other voice than SU-METAL's, but it might be because of audio processing (added on 2017 Mar. 31).
  26. I think I hear two female voices, but I'm not sure who they are (added on 2017 Mar. 31).
  27. I think this is "all" with noise or something though it sounds to me like "o:z". I think I hear "it's" though some fans say this line is "all is over".
  28. This might be "never ruler".


  1. I copy a comment of quietThunderstorm san from another article:

    quietThunderstorm 03 April, 2016 18:55

    The Out of Japan edition doesn't have a lyric card, unfortunately. I had to transcribe them myself, but it's not perfect and lots of words are hard to hear.

    Something’s got to go…
    Something’s got to go…

    In the air…
    Pray your way
    In the air… the air…

    It got better…
    Don’t start slow, then…
    (Something’s got to go…)
    It got better…
    Don’t start slow, then…
    (Something’s got to go…)

    Dream… sing…
    Climate… the weather…
    Hot… colder…
    And warm… memories…

    Get off my face
    More day after day
    And reaching to fate
    So instincts so faint
    I’ll wake from the dream
    To keep and relive
    ‘Cause life it is a dream
    And dream’s on a BREAK

    While it’s over
    Never ever
    While it’s over
    Never ever

    In the air…
    In the air…

  2. mind if I post the lyrics to reddit so everyone that's interested in the lyrics can help construct them?

    1. Feel free to do so.
      I'm sorry I don't have reddit account yet.
      The above 03 April, 2016 21:53 is quietThunderstorm san's transcription, but I think she/he wants it, too.

      I copy the transcriptions of 2ch users. They want it, too.
      I've heard this few times and think it is hard for me to transcribe, and my spirit inclines to...

    2. copied from 2ch.

      63 : Anonymous (ワッチョイ 87bc-pU0W) 2016/04/02(土) 19:28:53.15 ID:HfGHQV6R0

      From Dusk Till Down

      in the end
      fade away

      in the end
      in the end

      took at my sayings
      more day after day
      and which is a think
      so it's the so fit

      I will trap a dream
      to keep and a dream
      the like is extreme
      I begin so you're break

      only so far never never
      only so far never never

      in the end
      in the end



      99 : Anonymous (ワッチョイ 27ed-DUMK) 2016/04/02(土) 19:36:41.24 ID:pOSynCBE0
      only so far→all is overじゃない?

    3. coppied from 2ch.


      8 : Anonymous (ワッチョイ 87bc-pU0W) 2016/04/02(土) 23:28:28.35 ID:HfGHQV6R0

      From Dusk Till Down

      in the end
      fade away

      in the end
      in the end

      took at my sayings
      more day after day
      and which is a think
      so it's the so fit

      I will trap a dream
      to keep and a dream
      the like is extreme
      I begin so you're break

      all is over never never
      all is over never never

      in the end
      in the end



      9 : Anonymous (ワッチョイ 87bc-pU0W) 2016/04/02(土) 23:29:05.25 ID:HfGHQV6R0

      724 名前:Anonymous (ワッチョイ ef15-ueSA)[sage] 投稿日:2016/04/02(土) 22:25:44.84 ID:TSYwbwyq0 [2/5]

      つまり楽しく騒げる物ではなくなってるけど バリエーション増えたってことで

      誰かredditで添削してもらってくれるとうれしい 力つきた

      They want your help.
      Please correct errors and fill them up for mates in Japan.

      Lyrics and words : From Dusk Till Dawn

      (Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo)

      Fade away in the end, in the end
      (Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo)

      ( … …, … …, … … ,… …)

      YUI : …
      MOA : Leave
      SU- : …
      YUI : Forever
      MOA : Heart
      SU- : Go and die
      YUI : Au revoir
      MOA : Run away

      Good bye my faith
      Mourn day after day
      And preach is the fake
      So instinct with sad day

      I feel sorrow the dream
      To keep on remaining
      That … … … straight
      … … …

      All is over
      Later later
      All is over
      Later later

      (Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo)

      In the end, in the end
      (Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo)


      10 : Anonymous (ワッチョイ 87bc-pU0W) 2016/04/02(土) 23:36:05.18 ID:HfGHQV6R0

      took at my sayings → look at my face


    4. copied from 2ch.


      104 : Anonymous 2016/04/04(月) 01:49:45.98 ID:91Jok1eJ

      From Dusk Till Dawn
      lyrics & words

      in the end
       Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo
       Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo ...
      fade away
      in the end
      in the end


      YUI : heaven
      MOA : leave
      SU- : c'mon
      YUI : forever
      MOA : heart
      SU- : gone I
      YUI : one more
      MOA : runaway

      look at my face
      more day after day
      and which is a think
      so it's the so fit

      I will front a dream
      to keep and a dream
      the like is extreme
      I begin so you're break

      all is over never never
      all is over never never

       Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo ...

      in the end
      in the end

       Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo, Woo woo ...



      I think foreign
      I think foreign love

      SU- : gone I
      gone away だとw音が一致しない


  3. What do you mean by spirit inclined? What happened to you? Please tell me... >_<

    1. It's just a parody of Led Zeppelin's song "Stairway to Heaven" (and my spirit is crying for...).
      I mean, as said above, before this, I want to transcribe & translate BABYMETAL's interview which is broadcast by NHK on 2014 Apr. 4th 0:05- (JST).

  4. Watch this video,this guy got the lyrics,but im not sure if this was the correct lyric:

  5. I'm relatively positive the middle three lines are

    "to keep on living.
    Cause life is a dream,
    and dreams always BREAK!"

    1. Thank you for comment & sorry for late update.

  6. Something's got to go...
    Something's got to go...

    In the air...
    Pray your way
    In the air... the air...

    It got better...
    Don't start slow, then...
    (Something's got to go...)
    It got better...
    Don't start slow, then...
    (Something's got to go...)

    Dream... sing...
    Climate... the weather...
    Hot... colder...
    And warm... memories...

    Get off my face
    More day after day
    And reaching to fate
    So instincts so faint
    I'll wake from the dream
    To keep and relive
    'Cause life it is a dream
    And dream's on a BREAK

    While it's over
    Never ever
    While it's over
    Never ever

    In the air...
    In the air...

  7. Thank you & sorry for late update.

  8. Rafaela Testa15 May, 2016 06:49

    Du-metal, first of all thank you for your hard and amazing work! I never showed up here (to comment) but I always come here to take my doubts away. You make a very good job, it's very precious. Thank you. I'm from Brazil, just saying... And sorry if my english is bad.
    Well. I was trying to listen carefully to From Dusk Till Dawn and here is what I've got:

    I want be one. Some things want to get in the wall.
    I won't give in. Need back, one in one, walking on.
    Something is going on...

    In the end
    Pray your way
    In the end
    In the end...

    I'm/I'll start walking to step side.
    That's all I do [step side you].

    We. Are one. Forever. Hot. Colder. And one. Forever we.

    Get up my face
    More day after day
    And reaching to think
    So instinct is so fake
    I'll through the dream
    To keep and we need
    Get back in the stream
    And thing only

    Only it's over never never...
    Only it's over never never...

    In the end... In the end...

  9. Rafaela Testa15 May, 2016 06:54

    sorry I think that is "so instinct is so thank" like gratitude

    1. Thank you for transcribing and sorry for late update.

  10. はじめまして



    One,only one
    someone's got to fight
    on your own
    I want to ??? on
    No big fighting won
    One for all
    Someone's calling you

    In the end
    [woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo]
    Fade away
    In the end
    In the end

    On the border
    Don't stop ???
    [Someone's called you come]
    On the border
    Don't stop ???
    [Someone's called you come]

    [Scream] [???] [Growl] [Forever]
    [Heart] [???] [They want] [Slaveries]

    Look at my face
    More day after day
    Then reach into the faith
    So instinct's softened

    Awake from the dream
    To keep and believe
    The light gives me scream
    And freaks are R.I.P.

    All is over
    Never never
    All is over
    Never never
    [woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo]
    In the end
    [woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo]
    In the end

    1. Thank you for transcribing.
      You say this tune has something with the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn" in 1996, don't you?


  11. Having a hard time making most of it out, but here's the nice little bit before the breakdown (the bit that gives me chills) :

    From 2:09 or so in the track -

    Look at my face
    More Day After Day
    And which is the fake?
    So this is the fake!

    I wake from the dream
    To keep only me
    The night is extreme
    I think I'm gonna


    Or... that's what it sounds like to my tired old ears. I wish I'd treated them better.

    I could listen to this track for hours, it's so... haunting.

    Please don't take this as an accurate transcription, 'Cause it's (probably) not.

  12. "One only waits
    something's going to come
    in one's way.
    I want to take
    every going-on toward
    what to take.
    Something's going to come."

    I think it sounds like:
    One only waits
    something's going to come
    in ??? way.
    I wont give up
    never ending ????
    wont give up
    Something's going to come (or somethings coming now).

    1. Thank you for another transcription.
      As you wrote, the parts "want to" & "what to" sound like "won't give".

  13. Does this song remind you at all of 'In the Air Tonight' - also a very ethereal trippy dark-ish Phil Collons song:
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord / And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord / Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

    Thanks for your work, Professor! I read you every day.

    1. Thank you for reminding me of a song of Phil Collins. It has many lines of lyrics, and the verse(?) parts hint the background story, but this song has less lines, and it's hard to imagine the background story, so this song sounds to me mistier than that song. I want more verse lines for BABYMETAL's songs.

  14. There are a few words that I am 100% sure I can hear.

    0:47 - I won't give up
    0:58 - Something is going on
    In every chorus - Pray your (or "a") way
    In every chorus - In the air
    01:44 - One step further
    01:48 - On the border, one step further
    01:58 - Dream, alone, forever, heart
    02:10 - Look at my face, more day after day. I'm reaching to think...
    Before BREAK she definitely says "on a".
    02:39 - Falling further, never ever, falling further, never ever (this sounds very clear to me)

    I don't know all the lyrics, obviously, but these are the parts I am definitely sure are correct. I also have a feeling this song doesn't make much sense, and in purpose.

  15. I've noticed its been so long that you didn't update your blog. Are you ok?

    1. Thank you for caring about me.
      Sorry for not posting a new article for a long time, but there have been no new song and no spoken interview of BABYMETAL since 2016 April, and many new written interviews and many old stuff have already been translated by others, so I'm revising my old articles now.

    2. Hi du enki!

      Some days ago I was thinking exactly what Farid Hilmi expressed. Reading your answer, yes, there's been no new song (I don't know about interviews). But some time ago you used to do translations for the intros of the live gigs published in DVD, and you did the job for everything up to the Red/Black Night pack. And I thank you very much for that!
      The thing is, after Red/Black from 2015 there has been more DVDs: Live in London, Legend 2015, the Apocrypha (Red/Black Mass) and recently Live at Wembley. Some of these have Japanese introductions that I'd love to understand. So, it's an idea, if you have the time and the mood ;)

      The other day I saw that in April there'll be a new DVD with a 2016 (september if memory serves) gig. I can't wait! I'm really curious to see how the girls dance to 'Tales of the Destinies' for instance :D

      Thanks for your work as always! Your blog is my bible as far as BM lyrics and translations in general concerns. Saludos,

      Fernando :)

    3. Fernando san, thank you for comment.
      I'm sorry for not having translated the narrations of Trilogy, etc. But I think you can enjoy the shows much without them because (I think) they don't have so vivid stories as those of Legend "I" to Budokan have.

  16. Du Enki, thank you for all your translation work ! For example many of the views on Youtube on the Suzuka Nakamoto Tower Records interview are mine. :-) Malone is great with translations too, because he's fast, you take the time and try to be as accurate as possible.

    Here is my suggestion: "Look at my face" should be: "Lift up my face" (from the pillow in bed) because she sings about "day after day" (you start your day when you get out of bed) and after that she sings about dreaming. And most importantly, at least to me, it sounds like that is she is singing "Lift up my face".

    1. Thank you for suggestion.
      As the voice itself, it sounds like "lift up" to me as well as "look at", and probably the line in question is the first thing she does when she wakes up, but "lift up my face more day after day" seems strange to me.

    2. Thanks, that is a good point, if it was something else than 'more', it could have been a good fit. 'Day after day' is a good fit after singing about getting up in the morning. But 'more' does not fit and I don't know what else than 'more' it could be.

    3. Hearing the live (!) footage, "Look at my face" is probably right.

  17. The lyrics have been officially published now; they're available from http://www.metrolyrics.com/from-dusk-till-dawn-lyrics-babymetal.html .

    The unofficial transcriptions on this page make considerably more sense.

    1. Thank you for information.
      It may have been officially published in some sense, but it seems to me that the presented lyrics are nothing more than some fan's transcription.

  18. I'd watched this song performed in L.A.
    I noticed SU's gesture "Blind".
    I found this might correspond to lines of IDZ.
    Then I could hear out some pieces of other lines related to bullying,but not sure.

    Blind eye
    No more
    Run away

    1. I'm surprised that they're playing the song in the US tour when they didn't in Tokyo Dome. I guess they noticed that the song has many fans in the Western countries. (I'd rather have Syncopation in my CD copy, though, even if I like From Dusk too). I wonder if the "official lyric" someone mentioned here a couple of weeks ago is really official. It would make sense that they published it, precisely because they planned playing the song in the US. But Metrolyrics isn't exactly a reliable source, so I still wonder...

      Fernando :)

    2. Being ---> Pain 痛み
      Sick ---> feel 感じて

    3. It was only performed at the headlining show at the Palladium in Los Angeles, not during any of the shows supporting Korn/Stone Sour. I don't believe it's so much that the song "has many fans in the Western countries", rather that it was included on the International release of Metal Resistance in place of Syncopation which has never been performed outside of Japan. Koba seems intent on maintaining that separation between the domestic and international markets with the two songs. At least so far.

    4. Rick san, thank you for comment.

    5. These days I've realized that, only one month and a half later, those "official" (?) lyrics of "From Dusk..." that appeared in Metrolyrics not only have appeared in lots of similar sites (to Metrolyrics) but if you simply google the title of the song (together with the name of the band, otherwise you'll find the 1995 movie of course) those lyrics appear, in that version, as if they were really official, even with the circled C of copyright (for Sony Music I believe). But I still wonder :D Because that version makes little sense as MetalPuppy noted. "Don't start slow then!? "More day after day"? "Climate the weather"?! :D It's horrible! I hope it's not the real lyric! Some versions here are far better (i.e. make more sense).

      As for Rick Wagner's comment, well, what I said about the fans was a mere possibility, and a wink to the reddit fans, since they had been campaining for FDTD to be played live before it happened. I don't agree with that theory that "Koba seems intent on maintaining that separation between the domestic and international markets with the two songs. At least so far." That's bad induction with little support cases, as the pair FDTD/Syncopation (West vs. Japan editions) is the first case that favours such theory and the last one so far, unless you count "Kimi to anime ga mitai" which is a cover version. FDTD was played for the first time in June, 2017, after playing more than 30 times in the West in 2016-2017! So I don't think they felt obliged to play it in the West (they would have done it already in 2016), maybe it was because they didn't have still a choreography ready for the song or something; in any case it doesn't seem as they felt the need to play that song/theme in the West for a long time. On the other hand, who's to say that they won't ever play Syncopation in the West? I hope they do anyway. It's such a great song and everybody knows, and "they" know that the song is loved in the West even if "they" deprived us from having it in our CD's, and the reasons for not having it released in the West were and are total rubbish! :D You (Rick-san) could be right after all, but only time will tell.


      F. :)

  19. Pyrope Garnet25 June, 2017 07:16

    Because of the many uploaders of the BM's amazing performance in L. A. 2017. 6. 16., we have got one new version of FDTD. I have heard that as follows:

    One only way
    something's falling down.
    in the air.
    I won't keep on
    everything is true
    falling on. (choreography; something is falling)
    Something's falling down.

    In the air,
    (wow, wow, ...)
    pray your way.
    In the air,
    in the air.

    On the border,
    don't stop further.
    (Something's falling down.)
    On the border,
    don't stop further.
    (Something's falling down.)

    Hearts (Moa makes the sign of heart on her Breast)
    drive on
    no more
    for runaway.

    Look at my face
    more day after day.
    So which is the fake?
    so it is the fate.
    I wake from my dream
    to keep and believe.
    The life is extreme,
    and keep my life.

    All it's over,
    never ever.
    All it's over,
    never ever.

    In the air,
    in the air.

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription.
      I've downloaded many live videos of this song. I will watch & listen to them carefully and revise the transcription.

    2. Pyrope Garnet26 June, 2017 06:50

      They say that this masterpiece must have something to do with the 1996 American film "From Dusk Till Dawn." If so, the phrase "On the border, don't stop further." in the lyrics may suggest the border between America and Mexico. That has an important meaning in the film.

    3. Thank you for information. I will consider them later.

  20. In one example,but maybe incorrect assumption.
    (cf. https://youtu.be/hrr727Cd4ns)

    One only go
    Something's going on
    only go
    One only go
    Everytime you go
    going on
    Something's going on

    In the air
    Pray your way
    In the air
    In the air
    (YUI & MOA chorus)
    On the border
    Don't stop soldier
    (Everytime you go)Su-metal's whisper
    On the border
    Don't stop soldier
    (Everytime you go)Su-metal's whisper

    Pain (YUI)
    feel (MOA)
    Alone (SU)
    forever (YUI)
    Heart (MOA)
    blind eye (SU)
    No more (YUI)
    run away (MOA)

    Look at my face
    more day after day,
    So reaching to fate,
    So instincts the faint.
    I'll wake from your dream
    to keep on living.
    The night is so sweet,
    I'll give someone BREAK!

    All is over
    Never never
    All is over
    Never never

    In the air
    In the air

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription.

  21. Hi Du Enki san,

    It’s so hard to catch the words in the presence of some vocal effects at the beginning and a lot of deep reverb/delay throughout the song. Under these conditions the vocals don’t cut through the mix very well; it would be possible that it’s all intentionally done since Kobametal and his songwriting team don’t set a high value on the lyrics at times (pls don’t ask me why the difference shown here between the 2 versions (in concert and studio job). Anyway here is just what ‘my ears’ could tell not what ‘my brain’ does. Thank you in advance for reading.
    Oh yes, happy birthday to Moametal (and 4th of July to fans in the states).

    Best regards,

    From Dusk Till Dawn - live premiere version

    one holy day *1
    sun is going down
    in the air *2

    a war is on
    every holy one
    war is on
    sun is going down
    in the air

    fade away *3
    in the air (end?)
    in the air

    on the border
    don't step further
    sun is going down

    on the border
    don't step further
    sun is going down

    feel it
    blind eye
    no more
    run away

    look at my face
    more day after day
    so which is the fake *4
    so is this the fate
    I bless all your dreams *5
    to keep on dreaming
    the nightmares are asleep *6
    and sleeps are the brake/break *7

    all is over
    never ever
    all is over
    never ever

    in the end (air?)
    in the end (air?)

    - Based on the fan-cam video published on Youtube by Greg Lyon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-TDMnye82E
    - Detected subtle changes in the live version and the original (from the ‘Metal Resistance’ CD) is as follows:
    *1 a holy way (?)
    *2 in your way (?)
    *3 pray your way
    *4 then which is the fake
    *5 I bless all the dreams
    *6 the nightmare is afraid
    *7 and sleeps only break

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription.

  22. The Babymetal subreddit has made a lot of progress breaking this apart since the Palladium show. One user (Aonoes) made a groundbreaking discovery in that FDTD and IDZ have previously unknown lyric parallels that greatly help in deciphering. There's a mysterious connection between the two.

    I repeatedly compared the various Palladium fancams on Youtube with the studio version on the Metal Resistance album. Here's my take:

    (Compared Ulises Alonzo's fancam to MR....it's the clearest for this verse: watch?v=TlxNYKY8Ipc)

    I'm walking on
    [Sun is falling down]
    in the end.
    I'm walking on
    never going home*1
    walking on
    [Sun is going up...]

    In the end*2
    Pray upward*3
    In the end
    the end...

    On the border, don't stop for the
    [sun is falling down]
    On the border, don't stop for the
    [sun is falling down]
    Sun is going up.....

    Blind eye.
    No more.
    Run away.

    (listen to Sezmetal's fancam for this verse and compare it to MR. It's the clearest: https://twitter.com/miu33333/status/875951350395293696)

    Lift up my face
    more day after day,
    and reaching to fame*6
    ...so it's just a fake.
    I wake from the dream
    to give and believe. (Maybe “to keep on believing”?)
    The light makes me scream (MR sounds really different here as well)
    I can't stop the BREAK!

    All is over
    never in the...
    All is over.
    never in the...

    In the end
    In the end.

    *1) Maybe "Never going back"
    *2) "End". Not "Air". Possibly an allusion to Linkin Park's "In the End". She's cutting it short to avoid saying エンド
    *3) I don't think this is it; this is probably the hardest lyric to hear
    *4) ie. "Don't stop, for the sun is going down"
    *5) Compare to lyrics from IDZ: いたみ、かんじて、ずっと、ひとり、こころ、きずかないふり、もう、にげない
    *6)“so which is the fake” <---MR & Palladium sound so different here I'm virtually convinced either Su accidentally repeated the next line twice during Palladium, or they changed the lyrics.

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription and sorry for late update.

    2. I agree about the IDZ translated lines, I noticed the same when watching the Palladium video of the 'song'. But I think that bit differs from the studio version. I haven't checked it, though.
      About the "don't stop" lines, someone suggested here "don't stop further'. It doesn't sound right to me. Normally it shoudl be "don't step further", it may sound like 'stop' because of the BM gals' imperfect English pronunciation. Anyway, I keep being amazed reading such different hearings of this lyric. English is so unclear sometimes... but not only when sung by Japanese, by the way; I've sometimes read unbelievable 'hearings' from native English people who try to write some artist's lyrics not knowing that they have an official printed version and in these cases really amazing things happen :D :D Misunderstandings are fun but sometimes scary, too. I can't wait for the day when we'll have an official lyric sheet of FDTD...


      Fernando :)

  23. i hear it almost everyday at the paladium show this is what i hear.

    down, from the up
    something's going down (or sun is going down)
    in the air
    fall, from the up
    from the up
    something's going down ( or sun is going down )

    In the air
    pray your way
    in the air
    in the air

    in the border, don't stop further
    something's going down ( or sun is going down )
    in the border, don't stop further
    something's going down ( or sun is going down )

    Blind eye
    no more

    look at my face
    more day after day
    so which is a fate
    so is this a fate
    i'll wake from the dream
    to keep and believe
    the life it is real
    and dream is on a

    While its over
    never ever
    while it's over
    never ever

    In the air
    in the air

    That's all i can hear. thanks.

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription and sorry for late update.

    2. well i think sumetal say in the eye instead of in the air

  24. I've studied the last verse sequence significantly. First off, I don't think it's "In the air", it's "In the End"

    The last section is:

    Always Forward
    Never Let Up

    Only Forward
    Never Backup

    In the End

    In the End

    The studio version appears to repeat "Only Forward" while the Palladium version appears to use "Always Forward", then "Only Forward".

    As I stated elsewhere, I think the lyrics to FDTD need to be approached with standard Babymetal Mojo in mind, with that Mojo being never give up, always move forward.

    Listening to various fancams from the Palladium show in LA I am relatively confident the last section of the song is as I've specified, which would be consistent with the ideology commonly found in Metal Resistance songs.

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription & interpretation.

  25. Hi, thanks for the good works.

    I agree with the above mentioned that these lines are from IDZ. However, from what I hear, I think people got the first two reversed.

    This is what I think it should be:

    Feel (YUI)
    Pain (MOA)
    Alone (SU)
    Forever (YUI)
    Heart (MOA)
    Blind eye (SU)
    No more (YUI)
    Run away (MOA)

    While in IDZ, it is indeed "pain" first. But they also switched "alone" and "forever". So I think it's reasonable to believe they also switch the first two.

    1. Thank you for suggestion and sorry for my not updating.
      The live take at Palladium (Hollywood) sounds to me "feel / pain" as you say. About the studio take, I can't tell whether "feel / pain" or "pain / feel". I think there is a possibility that the lyrics are changed after the recording.

  26. When you say 'pray upwards', I think it sounds like 'pray up there', or I think that's what it's meant to be. Thank you for the great work, as always!

  27. Hi Duane Metal, I know this is really long after the fact but I did some rather extensive left/right/center vocal separation/isolation, dereverb, noise reduction etc on these heavily processed vocals in Audition. This epic, poignant track is one of my favorites so I really went all out to try and get a good read on the lyrics (I spent a couple of days on it.) The result was a bit more rhyming and what I personally feel is a more cohesive lyrical flow. By the way, I think for the Palladium performance they may have rewritten some lyrics since several words are unmistakably different from the studio version. Thanks for all your hard work!

    Only black
    Something's going to crack
    In the dark
    I won't give up
    But because the black
    Won't let up
    Something's going to crack

    In the end
    Going away
    In the end
    In the end

    Ooh step forward and
    Ooh stop falling
    Something's going to crack
    Ooh step forward and
    Ooh stop falling
    Something's going to crack

    At me
    Gone away
    I wanna
    Run away

    Look at my face
    More day after day
    And reaching to fate
    So indistinct, so faint
    I wake from the dream
    To keep on dreaming
    That light is extreme
    After the sun is-

    Falling further
    Never never
    Falling further
    Never never

    Whoa oh oh oh x2
    In the end
    Whoa oh oh oh x2
    In the end

    1. Thank you for yet another transcription and sorry for late reply.
      I too noticed the lyrics seemed to have been changed.
      And I am very sorry for not updating incomplete lyrics transcription.
      By the way,
      I'm not Duane Metal, but Du Enki or du-metal.
      He speaks English very well, but I don't.
