
Prolog for SU-METAL's Birthday Celebration

updated:2017/10/07, 23:30(UTC)

Included in the BD "LIVE - LEGEND I, D, Z, APOCALYPSE -" (released on 2013 Nov. 20).

In the middle of 'LEGEND "D" SU-METAL Seitan-sai' on 2012 December 20th, three songs, "White Love", "Over The Future", and a special mix of "Headbangeeeeerrrrr", were sung for SU-METAL's birthday celebration. This is the prologue for that part, narrated with a series of painted pictures and baby & young SU-METAL's photos projected on the screen.
  * "Seitan-sai" (聖誕祭) means "holy birth festival" (mainly used for Chiristmas).

Prologue for SU-METAL's Birthday Celebration   on 2012 Dec. 20th

"Second Impact"

It was the winter just 15 years ago
when, in the idol scene, the teen group known as "the SPEED king of Okinawa"
had a dominant influence. On December 20th of that year,
SU-METAL was born to this world.

Concurrently, on December 31st 15 years ago, the legendary band called "invincible"
ended its history at the Tokyo Dome.

The Fox God said,
"It is the birth of the new life that transcends the law of nature,
and as its cost an old life shall pass away."

Preparing for the upcoming "Metal Resistance",
SU-METAL has made many efforts in the "idol" scene.
She went to a local dance school since her childhood.
She sang "Daring!" while she was absolute cute.
She went to the growth-stage-limited school.

SU-METAL's undercover propagation in the "idol" scene
was executed steadily.

Now "the special night of fifteen" starts to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of SU-METAL's birth.


Prologue for SU-METAL's Birthday Celebration   on 2012 Dec. 20th

RomajiEnglish TranslationNotes
"Sekando inpakuto" "Second Impact"2
Sore wa ima kara choodo juugo nen mae no fuyu It was the winter just 15 years ago
"aidoru" no sekai dewa "Okinawa no SPEED kingu" no imyoo o motsu when, in the idol scene, the teen group known as "the SPEED king of Okinawa"3
ano tiinzu guruupu ga issei o fuubi shiteita koro no juuni gatsu hatsuka had a dominant influence. On December 20th of that year,
SU-METAL wa kono yo ni sei o uketa. SU-METAL was born to this world.
Toki o onajiku shite juugo nen mea no juuni gatsu sanjuu-ichi nichi "muteki" to yobareta densetsu no bando ga Concurrently, on December 31st 15 years ago, the legendary band called "invincible"4
Tokyo doomu de sono rekishi no maku o tojita. ended its history at the Tokyo Dome.
Kitsune sama wa itta, The Fox God said,
"Kono sekai no kotowari o koeta aratana seimei no tanjoo, "It is the birth of the new life that transcends the law of nature,5
daishoo toshite inishie no seimei wa horobiru" to. and as its cost an old life shall pass away."
Kitarubeki "metaru rejisutansu" ni sonae Preparing for the upcoming "Metal Resistance",
SU-METAL wa "aidoru" no sekai de doryoku o kasaneru no de atta. SU-METAL has made many efforts in the "idol" scene.
Yooshooki kara jimoto no dansu sukuuru ni kayottari, She went to a local dance school since her childhood.6
zettai karen nanoni "Daitaan!" to utatte mitari, She sang "Daring!" while she was absolute cute.
seichooki gentei no gakkoo ni kayotte mitari, She went to the growth-stage-limited school.
"aidoru" no sekai ni okeru SU-METAL no andaakabaa wa SU-METAL's undercover propagation in the "idol" scene
chakuchakuto suikoo sarete iku no de atta. was executed steadily.
saa SU-METAL no seitan juugo shuunen o iwau "ichigo no yoru" no makuake da. Now "the special night of fifteen" starts to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of SU-METAL's birth.7


  1. The BGM is an arrangement of Edward Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance #1" a.k.a. "Land of Hope and Glory".
  2. The "Second Impact" is the fictional meteorite impact happening on 2000 Sep. 13 in the anime "Neon Genesis EVANGELION". SU-METAL's birth may have made an impact equal to it.
  3. The four-girl group "SPEED" was not called "Speed King". It's the name of Deep Purple's tune. For more about SPEED, see Note [i] of "White Love", or Wikipedia.
  4. It is a famous heavy metal band named "X JAPAN", which was reunited in 2007.
  5. "Kotowari" sounds like "logos" of the ancient philosophies rather than mere "physical law" of the world. I dropped "kono sekai no" (= of this world) because it seems redundant.
        I finally found this sentence was borrowed from the last part of the anime movie "Evangelion:2.0 You Can (Not) Advance" (2009). In that part, the bio-machine called "EVA" changes into a higher being and is about to trigger a forced evolution of humankind. (Appended on 2017 Oct. 7.)
  6. For these three activities, see Biography.
  7. For the implications of "Ichigo(15)", see Note [i] of "Headbangeeeeerrrrr"


  1. I am glad BABYMETAL get many fans over the world.

  2. I post a summary in English on that video. Some day I will translate some TV/radio programs that have less repeated topics with each other.

  3. I like your translations..

    I just want to correct you on this entry..
    LEGEND “D” SU-METAL Seitansai was held at Akasaka BLITZ on December 20th, 2012.

    Thanks for your hard work..

  4. Thanks for the summary; I've just read it whilst watching in another window. Will Pastebin definitely keep that, because I'd hate for your hardwork to be lost.

  5. Du Enki-san
    I've put an .srt of your translations on the prolog to Su-Metal 聖誕祭 Legend D "White Love".
    \m/ (_ _)
    As usual, enjoy...!
