
Prolog for AKATSUKI

updated:2020/06/17, 23:55(UTC)

Included in the BD "LIVE - LEGEND I, D, Z, APOCALYPSE -" (released on 2013 Nov. 20).
These were the prologues for "Akatsuki" in the concerts 'Legend "I"' & "Z", narrated with a series of painted pictures projected on the screen, but such a prologue is not always narrated before this song.

Prologue for "AKATSUKI"   in Legend "I"

YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL fell to the darkside.
To get the metal spirits back to them, SU-METAL stood up alone.
The metal spirit became the crimson flame and enveloped SU-METAL.
And SU-METAL has changed into the Crimson Knightess.
The crimson flame burns in the jet black darkness.
Tonight SU-METAL's beat of life trembles the world.

Prologue for "AKATSUKI"   in Legend "Z"

SU-METAL was starting to notice
another self which exists in her mind.
By the power given from "the Fox God", the God of Metal,
SU-METAL was kept within the human level,
but she was getting back her true self.
Breaking the spell put by humankind,
she was changing into the entity beyond the humanity near to the divinity.
Being beyond time and space,
SU-METAL's beat of life dyes the sky "crimson".


[i] We Shouldn't Think of Them Seriously.

The word "another self" appeared in the prologue for Akatsuki in Legend "Z", and during the guitar solo part SU-METAL fought with a masked lady in the same clothes as hers (seemingly her another self). But it and "near to the divinity" seem to have no deep meaning.

People expect such as the untold background story, and the writers usually think out it and write the text following it, but BABYMETAL's narrations are not so written. Some riddles posed in the narrations seem to be left unsolved and forgotten, some stories seem to contradict others, and even in one paragraph (note #5), so it seems that we shouldn't think of them seriously. They seem to be just for fun for the moment.

Prologue for "AKATSUKI"   in Legend "I"

RomajiEnglish TranslationNotes
Daakusaido ni ochite simatta YUIMETAL MOAMETAL. Futari ni metaru no tamashii o YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL fell to the darkside.
torimodusaseru tame, SU-METAL wa hitori tachi-agaru. To get the metal spirits back to them, SU-METAL stood up alone.1
Metaru no tamashii wa shinku no honoo to natte SU-METAL o tsutsumikonda. The metal spirit became the crimson flame and enveloped SU-METAL.2
Soshite SU-METAL wa Kurenai no Kishi to naru. And SU-METAL has changed into the Crimson Knightess.3
Shikkoku no yami ni tomoru shinku no honoo. The crimson flame burns in the jet black darkness.
Koyoi SU-METAL no inochi no kodoo ga sekai o furuwaseru. Tonight SU-METAL's beat of life trembles the world.4

Prologue for "AKATSUKI"   in Legend "Z"

RomajiEnglish TranslationNotes
SU-METAL wa kizuki hajimete ita, SU-METAL was starting to notice
kokoro no naka ni sonzai suru moo hitori no jibun no sugata o. another self which exists in her mind.[i]
Metaru no kami "Kitsune sama" ga motarashita pawaa ni yotte By the power given from "the Fox God", the God of Metal,5,6
hito no iki ni todomete oita SU-METAL ga SU-METAL was kept within the human level,
honrai no sugata o torimodoshite iku. but she was getting back her true self.
hito no kaketa jubaku o toite Breaking the spell put by humankind,5
hito o koeta kami ni chikai sonzai e to kawatte iku no de atta. she was changing into the entity beyond the humanity near to the divinity.[i]
Jikuu o koeta Being beyond time and space,
SU-METAL no inochi no kodoo ga tenkuu o "kurenai" ni someru. SU-METAL's beat of life dyes the sky "crimson".4


  1. The Japanese words corresponding to "the metal spirits" and "to them" come in the previous line.
  2. "Sinku" (真紅) means "true kurenai". "Kurenai" is some deep red, not so specific.
  3. "紅の騎士" (Kurenai no Kishi; Crimson Knightess) seems to be a name referring to SU-METAL when she sings her solo tunes. When she sings this song, she always wears a cape and looks somewhat like a knight. (Added on 2014 Dec. 29th)
  4. "Inochi"(= life) + "no"(= of) + "kodoo"(=beat) = "heartbeat". "Kodoo" alone means mainly "heartbeat".
  5. I finally found these two sentences (4 lines) were borrowed from the last part of the anime movie "Evangelion:2.0 You Can (Not) Advance" (2009) and the first line "Metaru o tsukasadoru..." (By the power given...) was newly appended. SU-METAL is compared to the bio-machine called "EVA" or the fusion of EVA & its pilot. In that part, EVA interacts with the pilot, escapes external control, and changes into a higher being, but no divine power is used to control EVA. And there seems no reason for the Fox God to restrain SU-METAL, so I can't interpret the appended line "By the power given from 'the Fox God'...". (Revised on 2017 Oct. 7.)
  6. The real phrase of this part is not "Metaru o tukasadoru kami" ( (the god) in charge of the metal) but "Metaru no kami" (the God of Metal). I'm sorry for having confused two similar phrases. I've fixed the transcription and the translation. (Appended on 2020 Jun. 17., thanks to polcan san on 2020 Jun. 14.)


  1. In "Prologue to AKATSUKI" in Legend "Z" on the third screen the first line goes:
    but in your Romanji transcription above I can see:
    'Metaru o tukasadoru kami "Kitsune sama" ga'.
    It is different from
    'Metaru no kami "Kitsune sama" ga',
    so why did you put 'o tukasadoru' instead of 'no' in your romanji? Are there two versions of Prologues for Akatsuki in Legend 'Z'?

    1. Thank you for pointing out and sorry for late reply.
      It was totally my mistake. I've fixed it.
