

updated:2014/07/16, 22:43(UTC)

This is an unofficial translation of [ https://baw.babymetal.jp/info/about.php ]. Please do not ask the official site or the online shop about this page. Do everything about "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" at your own risk.

Note that "LIVE - LEGEND I, D, Z, APOCALYPSE -" is the Blu-ray disc, "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" is the package of the binder and the booklet, and these are two separate items.

"BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" is the members' site for those who have purchased the package "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE", and the membership for the site provides some benefits (it can be said that it is virtually the membership for the official fan club which many Japanese idols and musicians have).

Note that though there are the words "baptize", etc. on the page, BABYMETAL has no relation with Christianity and many "DEATH" you see mean only "be" (it's just a joking variation of "desu" (= be) of Japanese).

Outline of the login page

METAL NAME:[           ]
PASSWORD:[            ] [ Riddle of
until Dec.21st
21:00 ]
[   ] Keep my login information.
[ If you forget your metal name ]
[ If you forget your password ]
The legendary apocalypse is finally released.
BABYMETAL's official artist book comes down.
If you have the access code[What is BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE?]
[ New Registration ]

  The translation of "What is BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE?" is below.


On-sale date: 2013 December 21st.
Price: 3500 yen (tax included).
Form: the apocalypse in the form of binder & the booklet vol.1.


Period: from 2013 December 10th until 2014 December 31st.
Form: the members-only site for the purchasers of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" (the registration and the access are free of charge).

In the video BABYMETAL talk about the Ten Commandments described below.

BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE is "the apocalypse in the form of binder" to bind the booklets that cover all about BABYMETAL and "the Book of the Contract". The booklets contain the original contents of BABYMETAL and the apocalypse will be completed by collecting all the booklets. "The book of the Contract" is attached to the binder.

"The book of the Contract" contains the signature space for you "and BABYMETAL" to make the contract with the Fox God and "the access code" to log in for the members' site "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB", where you can find a lot of members' benefits and the contents that you can't find anywhere else.

The Ten Commandments of the Fox God

The ten benefits of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE"

Commandment I. Believe in the Fox God!

Those who believe in Fox God are baptized the official metal name.

If you register for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB", you are given as a proof of baptism "the metal name" only one in the world. "The metal name" consists of the sequence of 2 to 15 letters of alphabets and/or numbers that you like with hyphen and "METAL" (**-METAL to ***************-METAL). "-METAL" can't be changed.

Since "the metal name" can never be changed as long as the site exists, please decide it carefully. Since "the metal names" are given in the order of the registration, register earlier if you want to get the name that you like.

Commandment II. Complete the apocalypse!

All about BABYMETAL are written in the apocalypse.

Complete the apocalypse by collecting all the non-periodically published booklets and binding them in the binder. "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" includes the booklet vol.1 "Genesis".

You can purchase "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" at the concert venues or Asmart. But only those who have registered for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" can purchase the booklets other than vol.1 at Asmart. "How to Purchase" is described below.

Commandment III. Read the apocalypse thoroughly!

The apocalypse contains plenty of the original contents of BABYMETAL.

Each booklet contains the different contents of BABYMETAL. For example: the original photos, the concert reports, the contents that BABYMETAL plan by themselves, the unreleased photos, etc.

And we will present the special project that you can't find anywhere else.

Commandment IV. Long for your birthday!

You will receive the blessing message from BABYMETAL on your birthday.

BABYMETAL will bless your birthday. You will receive the blessing message on the day that you register as your birthday. Since the date of birth can't be changed after the registration, be careful not to register a wrong date.

If you register after your birthday, you can't receive the blessing message, so we recommend you to register before your birthday. Since the blessing message will be sendable on the day after the registration day, finish the registration until the day before your birthday.

The delivery of the birthday messages will start on 2014 January 1st (tr.note: "when this site opens" attached).

Commandment V. Witness the other side of the Metal Resistance!

The apocalypse records the backstage of BABYMETAL's activities and their undercover propagation in the disguises.

On "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB", we are planning to upload non periodically such special contents as the video of BABYMETAL's comments, the shots behind the scene, etc. which are found only in this site.

Maybe? possibly? you can witness the backstage of BABYMETAL's Metal Resistance and their undercover propagation in the disguises of ordinary girls to avoid public notice.

Commandment VI. Enter the holy meeting prior to others!

The believers can order the concert tickets prior to others.

If you registered for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB", you can order the concert tickets prior to non members. It's the chance to get the tickets first of the all.

Please understand that the drawing will be held in case of too many applications.

Commandment VII. Get the holy tickets!

The drawing will be held for the premium tickets that only the chosen persons can purchase.

The premium tickets means the tickets to enter the special sanctuary "Mosshusshu pit" or "Mosshusshu seats" where only the members of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" are allowed to enter, and the tickets with the special items that you can't get anywhere else. You can order these tickets only at the special ordering page in "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB".

Note that there may be the concerts without the premium tickets on account of the venue or the staging. Please understand that the drawing will be held in case of too many applications.

Commandment VIII. Be the chosen persons!

The special concert will be held for the chosen persons.

The special concert will be held whose tickets only the members of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" can order. It's a chance to get the tickets of the special concerts that only the chosen persons can enter.

We inform you about the members-limited concerts by "NEWS" page of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" and the email news. Note that the members-limited concerts for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" will be held non-periodically, and the drawing will be held in case of too many applications.

Commandment IX. Get the power by the holy items!

The special items will be sold that only the believer can purchase.

The special items will be sold that nobody but the members of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" can get. It is necessary to register for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" to purchase them. The items will be sold non-periodically. The booklets coming later are also the special items that only the members of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" can purchase at Asmart.

Please understand that the special items may be sold out.

Commandment X. Solve the given riddle!

The first ten solvers are presented the item with their metal name.

Solve the riddle that will be given when "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" opens and complete the Book of the Contract included in "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE". Post the answer by logging in "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB".

We will present the first ten solvers the item with their metal name. The deadline is at 21:00 on 2013 December 21st, so hurry up!

How to Purchase

The prior order reception has started at 2013 November 21st at Asmart.

The prior order reception of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" is limited from 2013 November 21st until 2013 December 13th at Asmart which is the official online shop of Amuse Inc. You can order it at [ the order reception page ].

Note that you can't go to that page from inside Asmart and you can't put this item and others into the same cart.


If you order it in this limited-time prior order reception, you will receive it until 2013 December 21st "LEGEND 1997 SU-METAL's birth celebration". Note that if you order it after this period, you will receive it in the middle of January 2013 or later and you can't receive the services or the benefits that will be offered in the period from your ordering until receiving of the item.

After this period, you can purchase it within this year only at the concert venue on December 21st "LEGEND 1997 SU-METAL's birth celebration" and December 30th "COUNTDOWN JAPAN 13/14" (tr.note: both at the Makuhari Messe). Since the number of packages is limited, we recommend you to order in the limited-time prior order reception.

The selling places may be changed without notice. Please understand that you can't receive any services until you receive the item and your registration is finished though you have finished the ordering at Asmart.

Q & A

Please refer to [ BABYMETAL's official web site ] for the newest information about the schedule and the activities.


A1: It is the binder to bind the non-periodically published booklets, etc. The members' site "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" is available only to those who have registered as a member by using "the access code" printed on "the Book of the Contract" included in the package. No additional charge is needed for the site. The site is available until 2014 Dec. 31st.

Q2: Tell me the benefits of the members of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB"!

  • The access to the members' site
  • The prior purchase of the concert tickets (excluding the tickets for the events nor the music festivals)
  • The right to purchase of the special tickets of the concerts (the members-limited area, the ticket with the special items, etc.)
  • The viewing of the members-limited contents (the special photo gallery, the special movie, etc.)
  • The right to purchase of the members-limited (original) items.
  • The entry to the members-limited events.

Note that all these will be provided non-periodically, and not all the members can have these benefits (the drawing will be held in the case of too many applications).

Q3: What should I do to be a member of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB"?

A3: Those who have "the Book of the Contract" attached to "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" can register for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB". Access to [ BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB ] which will pre-open on 2013 Dec. 10th and enter "the access code" printed on "the Book of the Contract" to proceed to the registration.

Q4: Will the charge be needed to register for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB"?

A4: No. Since the site is the service for those who have purchased "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE", the registration and the access to the site need no additional charge. Note that the membership will be valid until 2014 Dec. 31st regardless of the date of registration.

Q5: Are the registration and the access to the site possible only by PC?

A5: Not only by PC. You can register and access to the site by PC, the smart phones, or the feature phones. And you can access to the site by other devices than the one that you have used for the registration. Note that some services may not be available on some devices.

Q6: Can "the access code" on "the Book of the Contract" be used for the registration many times?

A6: No. "The access code" can be used only once, only for the registration of one member. Note that we won't let you have multiple accounts of the membership. Though one person can purchase plural packages of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE", one person can have only one account of the membership.

Q7: Can I have "the Book of the Contract" reissued if I lose it?

A7: No. Note that it won't be reissued if it is lost or damaged or "the access code" is leaked. Please put the book in safekeeping because it may be needed even after the registration.

Q8: Where can I purchase "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE"?

A8: The prior order reception of "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" is limited from 2013 November 21st until 2013 December 13th at Asmart which is the official online shop of Amuse Inc. You can order it at [ the order reception page ]. Note that you can't go to that page from inside Asmart and you can't put this item and others into the same cart.

If you order it in this limited-time prior order reception, you will receive it until 2013 December 21st "LEGEND 1997 SU-METAL's birth celebration". Note that if you order it after this period, you will receive it in the middle of January 2013 or later and you can't receive the services or the benefits that will be offered in the period from your ordering until receiving of the item.

After this period, you can purchase it within this year only at the concert venue on December 21st "LEGEND 1997 SU-METAL's birth celebration" and December 30th "COUNTDOWN JAPAN 13/14" (tr.note: both at the Makuhari Messe). Since the number of packages is limited, we recommend you to order in the limited-time prior order reception.

The selling places may be changed without notice. Please understand that you can't receive any services until you receive the item and your registration is finished though your have finished the ordering at Asmart.

Q9: Can I purchase "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" if I live outside of Japan?

A9: Yes. If you live outside of Japan, you can receive "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" that you have purchased using [ tenso.com ] (a international forwarding service). For more detailed information, refer to [ www.asmart.jp/Page/tenso_e.aspx ].

Q10: Can I register for "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE WEB" if I live outside of Japan?

A10: Yes. Wherever you live, you can register as a member by using "the access code" if you have "the Book of the Contract" attached to "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE". But please understand that the members living outside of Japan may not be able to receive some of the services we offer, and we won't refund in such cases since this site is free of charge as a service for the purchaser of the item.

Q11: About the device specification for the members site

Windows PC, Macintosh, iPad and the tablet PC with Android OS. The web browsers with SSL (IE8.0 or later, the newest Firefox, the newest Chrome, and the newest Safari), with turning JavaScript and Cookie on at the browser settings.

Smart Phone:
[iOS] iPhone (3G or later), iPod touch with the Mobile Safari
[Android] 2.2 or later (with some exceptions) with the standard web browser.

Feature Phone: Docomo [FOMA], au [WIN] and Softbank [3G]

Note that we don't guarantee that the site is available with all these devices.

Outline of International Forwarding (translator's comment)

First of all you have to register for the forwarding service. Then the forwarding agents will provide you something like a "private" post-office box and tell you its address. Note that the agent may not offer you the service because of your real address.

Next you enter the given address as your address at the online shop.

The online shopper will send the item to the registered address, and the forwarding agent will receive and forward the item to you.

Basically the online shoppers and the forwarding agents are independent of each other, and there are many other forwarding sevices than tenso.com. I am not sure whether you can use them for shopping at Asmart or not.


  1. Thanks for your translations! I just heard about BABYMETAL a few days ago and unfortunately have missed out on the Apocalypse package. Is there any way I can join the official fan club, or do I simply have to wait until next year? Thanks!

    1. Please note that it is not the official fan club, but only offers some benefits like other official fan clubs.
      Even now you can purchase the binder package at ASMART, and you can register for the web site with it. But the web site membership expires on 2014 Dec. 31st whenever you register.
      If you live outside of Japan, you need the international forwarding service, and the forwarder may not offer you the service because of your address. Please read carefully the explanations of both ASMART and the forwarder.

      The main benefits of the membership are Commandment VI, VII, VIII above, the web contents are not so enriched, and the member-limited merchandise including the booklet #2, #3... may not be reissued after being sold out.

  2. What happens after the website membership expires? Does it mean I have to wait for a while for it to come back again or is it expired permanently? I don't get it. I was planning on becoming a member but now I'm not too sure...

    1. Please understand that they say you pay for the binder with the booklet #1 and the membership is just an extra service.
      Whenever you register, the membership shall be expired on 2014 Dec. 31st. I don't know what shall happen in 2015 Jan, but I am sure they don't care any disadvantage of late purchasers.

  3. Hello Du Enki,

    thanks a lot for the translation! Helped me a lot to understand BAW :)

    I am working for www.babymetal.de and wanted to ask if I can use your translation of the "The Ten Commandments of the Fox God" for our website?

    I would translate it into German word by word.

    1. Translation is welcome. But I am afraid of readers' confusion. Old "APOCALYPSE WEB" will end at the end of this year, and new "THE ONE WEB" will start at the beginning of the next year. Please remember and notify the following.

      The benefits and the limitations of the membership of those two are nearly the same, but I'm not sure of the detailed differences. The main difference is that new "THE ONE" is the package of T-shirt plus the membership card while old "BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE" is the package of a binder and a booklet (plus the membership card).

      And the main problems are that they are separate membership and that you can no longer become a member of APOCALYPSE WEB (sold out). You can't purchase the merchandise limited to APOCALYPSE WEB members even if you become a member of THE ONE WEB. I'm not sure whether they will offer some remedy for this or not.

  4. Thanks for all the translations Du-metal! Is it okay to ask to reupload the missing video above? I have been collecting the BAW videos and photos since there were differences on some people (some say there were 18. I've found 2 additional not in their list.) I'm a newer kitsune and i'm keen of collecting some rare stuff. Thanks for everything that you've contributed to the community!

    1. I am sorry for late reply.
      Do you mean "In the video BABYMETAL talk about the Ten Commandments described below" ? It was uploaded by someone else, but probably it is this file:
      Let me know if you have troubles with this file, and I'm sorry if it's not what you are looking for.

  5. Thanks! I'm forever be grateful to you! Hope you get healthy and lucky in the future!

    1. Thank you for comment. I'm glad my blog helped you.
